We discovered it in Lima, we have eaten it again and again. This Cebiche has been the last one our trip (Danke, Carsten!). But surely it will not be the last one in our lives.
Cuando el Diablo duerme…
Cuando llegas al Diablo, piensas que él nunca duerma Siempre hay gente, ruido, movida, olas… Tienes que despertarte y salir de casa a las siete y media de la mañana para comprar pan, para verlo dormir. No hay nadie, ni … Continue reading
Living with the devil
When we started our trip more than two months ago, we thought we had plenty of time and would travel without any hurry. But somehow we had forgotten that it is us travelling, and we always want to see as … Continue reading
Overcoming a big phobia…
In this black water, without anyone forcing me, without being able to see my feet, I did swim! And, I liked it! Gracias, Laguna Negra. Grazie Flo, per avermici portata!
¡Feliz año nuevo!
¡Les deseamos un feliz año nuevo a tod@s! Buon Anno! Guten Rutsch! Happy new year! Bonne année!
7000 Penguins, wanna more?
Actually we had already seen penguins in Chile, close to La Serena, from a boat. Why bother to see more? Because in the Beagle Channel there is an island entirely populated by penguins, thousand of penguins and you can walk … Continue reading
Siamo tre castori piccolini…
… Siamo tre castori piccolini, tutti e tre amici dei bambini, noi, Caline, Grignote e Benjamin, ascolteremo te… Abbiamo camminato tra boschi e paludi per raggiungere la Laguna Esmeralda ai piedi di montagne innevate, alti picchi in Terra del Fuoco. Dietro, da … Continue reading
¡Feliz Navidad!
Caros amigos y familia, ¡les deseamos una muy feliz navidad!
Succede… che grazie a questo viaggio abbiamo potuto essere al posto giusto al momento giusto e partecipare al matrimonio di un nuovo amico … Però partire per tre mesi significa anche essere in un posto sbagliato nel momento in cui un … Continue reading
Oda a la papa
Papa, te llamas, papa y no patata, no naciste con barba, no eres castellana: eres oscura como nuestra piel, somos americanos, papa somos indios. Profunda y suave eres, pulpa pura, purísima rosa blanca enterrada, floreces, allá adentro en la tierra, … Continue reading
Things we have learned so far #2
– Peruvian Spanish sounds like Provençal. – In Bolivia, better do not put a “Durex” on… It might be painful! (It is tape!) – It is fantastic to find a French bakery in a small jungle town. – Male monkeys … Continue reading
Thank you all for your birthday wishes!
E grazie per la torta, Giù! :-*